Annual Scientific Meeting Speakers
Browse the impressive program of invited speakers for the upcoming ACTRA Annual Scientific Meeting. More information coming soon.
Dr Angie Bone Rhian Cope Principal Toxicologist, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
Deputy Chief Health Officer (Environment)
Health Protection Branch, Department of Health & Human Services Victoria
Dr Angie Bone has extensive experience and clinical expertise in public health. She is a medical doctor with experience in health protection related to environmental hazards and infectious diseases in the UK and a number of other countries.
Dr Bone has a keen interest in the social and environmental determinants of health, particularly climate change, extreme weather events, housing and urban planning, and infectious diseases.
Dr Bone represents Victoria on enHealth, the Standing Committee on Environmental Health, under the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, which comprises Chief Health Officers from states and territories. enHealth is responsible for providing environmental health policy advice, implementation of the National Environmental Health Strategy, and the development and coordination of research, information and practical resources on environmental health matters at a national level. Dr Bone is a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (UK), a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) and Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Exeter (UK). She holds numerous qualifications in Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
Dr Rhian Cope originally trained as a veterinarian at the University of Queensland however she has spent almost all of her career as a toxicologist. She earned her PhD from the University of Sydney in radiation toxicology/phototoxicology and subsequently held postdoctoral positions at CSIRO and the University of Illinois. Dr Cope then held academic positions at the University of Illinios and Oregon State University before moving into consultancy work. She has a broad experience in clinical and diagnostic toxicology, veterinary toxicology, high production chemical toxicology, pharmaceutical pre-clinical development and drug toxicology evaluation and agrochemical toxicology. She is a DABT, a DABVT, a FACTRA and a registered specialist in veterinary toxicology in NSW, Australia. Currently she is the principal toxicologist for the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.
Dr Ian Delaere
Manager Toxicology, SA Health
Dr Ian Delaere has a PhD in the study of plant derived neurotoxins. He has worked in the risk assessment and toxicology space in Commonwealth and State based agencies for the past 15 years. Within SA Health Ian is current responsible for initiating, formulating and managing effective State-wide programs, policies, investigations and programs pertaining to human health risk assessment of chemical exposures and issues of toxicology. Ian also acts as the Registrar of the Australasian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessment (ACTRA) which has responsibilities for maintaining the professional standing of toxicologists and risk assessors listed on the ACTRA Professional Register.
Dr Martine Dennekamp
Senior Environmental Epidemiologist, Environment Protection Authority Victoria
Dr Martine Dennekamp is an environmental epidemiologist with 17 years’ experience in environmental and occupational health research. She joined EPA Victoria two years ago, as the senior epidemiologist in the Environmental Public Health Unit, Applied Sciences Directorate. Prior to joining the EPA she was working at Monash University in the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine for 12 years. The majority of her publications and grants are in the area of air pollution and human health. At EPA, Martine is setting up a Victorian Environmental Health Tracking Network that will provide a single source where the EPA and other government organisations, the community and others can access reliable, interpreted, evidence-based environmental public health information at a population scale. This will enable early warning, response and engagement in relation to public health risks.
Dr Roger Drew
Consultant Toxicologist & Health Risk Assessor, ToxConsult Pty Ltd
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University
Dr Roger Drew has primary degrees in biochemistry and pharmacology and postgraduate degrees in toxicology. Further toxicology training was undertaken as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute in the USA. Twelve years were spent at Flinders University of South Australia as a lecturer/senior lecturer teaching medical students, conducting toxicological research and participating in University administration. In 1996 Dr Drew was certified in toxicology by earning Diplomate status of The American Board of Toxicology (DABT). He was the first certified consultant toxicologist in Australia. He is also a fellow of ACTRA (FACTRA).
For several years he was Manager of the Toxicology Information Section and also Corporate Toxicologist of ICI Australia and Orica Pty Ltd, and was principal toxicologist with SHE Pacific Pty Ltd, Safety Health and Environment Consultants. He has worked closely with regulatory authorities and industry organisations in developing and refining regulations relating to hazard assessment of chemicals and provision of information to interested and affected parties. He is currently consultant toxicologist and health risk assessor with ToxConsult Pty Ltd. He also currently holds an Adjunct Associate Professorship in the Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University.
Dr Paul Foster
Former Chief of the Toxicology Branch of the Division of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Dr. Foster was presented with the European Society of Toxicology’s young scientist award in 1988 for his work on testicular toxicity and the Society of Toxicology (SOT)’s Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology specialty section award for best paper published in Toxicological Sciences in 2001 and 2004. He has been awarded four NIH merit awards and an EPA Bronze medal. Dr Foster is a member of a number of learned Societies dealing with toxicology and reproduction. He is a former Chair and member of the Continuing Education Committee (1996-1999), Science Program Committee (2009-2013) and a Past President of the Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology specialty section (1997-2001) of the Society of Toxicology. He is also a Fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences (2011) and was elected to the Board of Directors in 2014. Dr. Foster has served on the editorial boards of Reproductive Toxicology, Birth Defects Research: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology and as an Associate Editor of Toxicological Sciences. Dr Foster is the author or co-author of over 130 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and numerous regulatory study reports.
Dr Kerry Nugent
Principal Scientist, National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS)
Dr Kerry Nugent received a Doctorate in inorganic chemistry and has worked in chemistry and materials science prior to joining Australia’s National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) approximately 20 years ago. In his time at NICNAS, he has been particular interested in the mechanistic basis of toxicology. Since the inception of the NICNAS Inventory Multi-Tiered Assessment and Prioritisation (IMAP) program in 2012, Dr Nugent has been the Principal Scientist of this program. IMAP has published assessments for human health and environmental effects of more than 4000 chemicals.
Dr Helen Ritchie
Associate Professor at the School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney
Bill Webster
Emeritus Professor of Reproductive Toxicology, Department of Anatomy and Histology, University of Sydney
Bill Webster is an Emeritus Professor of Reproductive Toxicology in the Department of Anatomy and Histology, University of Sydney. His general research area is toxicology with a special interest in reproductive toxicology. Most of his work has been laboratory-based research involving rats and mice. His research has been particularly involved in investigating the parameters of chemical exposure that determine teratogenicity and the interpretation and relevance of animal experiments with respect to the human. For 10 years, he was a member of the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee and a further 14 years with the Complementary Medicines Evaluation Committee. He has been on a number of government committees investigating safety issues associated with chemical exposure including herbicides in Vietnam and F-111 deseal reseal project.
Dr Kai Zwingenberger
Global Medical Support Quality, CSL Behring Ltd
Dr Kai Zwingenberger is a physician with postgraduate degrees in toxicology, immunology, tropical medicine and business administration. In his current role at CSL Behring Ltd. he provides risk assessments of formulations and impurity profiles of plasma derived and recombinant biologicals, combination products as well as gene therapy candidates.
Following years of immunoparasitological research in Brazil, Congo and Gabon, Kai joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1991 at Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany, where he headed a drug discovery program on thalidomide-like immunomodulators through to phase I of a candidate drug.
Subsequent roles included managing a spin-off of three universities located in Brussels, Belgium, developing cell-based tumor immunotherapy, and licensing & acquisitions for Vifor Pharma, a Swiss specialty pharma company. Areas of interest are toxicological implications of nanomedicine and immunotoxicity of metals.
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