Workshop Registration
Registration Type Price (incl GST) ACTRA, AIOH or RACI Member $300.00 Non Member $465.00
Registration is now open for the Workplace Exposure Standards Workshop. Please note that ACTRA, AIOH and RACI members are eligible to register at member rates. All prices include GST.
Pro- Tip: Become an ACTRA Member today to register at the Member Rate. Learn more.
Terms and Conditions
Credit Card:
Payment via online registration is preferred. Accepted credit cards: MasterCard and Visa. All transactions by credit card will appear on your statement as payment to ACTRA.
Direct Deposit Details:
To pay this account by EFT the bank is National Australia Bank:
BSB: 083 004 Account Number: 796476337 Account Name: ACTRA Reference: WES 2020 - [Surname]
Outstanding Payments:
All payments must be made within 14 days of registration. Failure to pay any outstanding registration fees 14 days prior to the Workshop may result in cancellation of your registration.
Cancellation and Refunds
Cancellations must be notified in writing to the Event Managers by email to– no refunds will be made for non attendance at the Workshop. For cancellations made after 1 February 2020, a $50 cancellation fee will apply. A delegate may attend in your place if the event organisers are notified in writing 7 days before the event.
Goods and Services Tax (GST):
The GST is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia. For international visitors, a tax refund may be sought at the airport for goods purchased beyond the value of $300 and which are carried with them in their hand luggage when leaving the country. A tax refund is not available for goods or services consumed in Australia therefore the GST component of event registrations fees, accommodation, tours, etc. are not claimable.
ACTRA Workplace Exposure Standards Workshop
Suite 1, 1 Smith Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065
P: 03 9416 3833 E: