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Partner with the KCA Annual Conference

We invite you to become involved as a sponsor of the KCA Annual Conference 2019 to be held in Sydney on 12 – 13 September 2019. 

We are expecting strong delegate representation from CSIRO, ANSTO and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, along with Australian universities such as RMIT, ANU, La Trobe, UniSA, Monash and Swinburne. This would be a wonderful opportunity for your organization to have some visibility in front of an audience who could benefit and value from your participation at the KCA Annual Conference.

Please review the sponsorship prospectus below and get in touch with the Conference Managers if you have any questions. We are happy to find the right fit and level for your organization.

Contact the KCA Sponsorship Director Simon Wilkins for any enquiries.

Sponsors for the KCA Annual Conference 2019:

Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

Spruson & Ferguson

Davies Collison Cave


Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Inteum Company LLC


Thank you to our conference sponsors
